A BUSINESSMAN who accidentally left gold worth thousands of pounds on a garage forecourt in Storridge went back the next day to find the bag had gone.

The man, a gold dealer, pulled onto the forecourt of the garage, which was closed, at about 6.30pm on Sunday, August 4, to change a punctured tyre.

He unloaded his boot to get at the spare tyre but apparently failed to replace the bag containing the gold, said police.

The man, who has not been identified, returned to the garage the next morning, but the bag was nowhere to be seen.

It is described as a greyish tartan zip-up bag about two feet by two feet.

Inside were about 500 pieces of jewellery, including rings, chains, bangles, charms and bracelets, plus a cameo depicting a religious scene.

Police are keen to hear from anyone with information, including anyone who is offered jewellery in suspicious circumstances.

Anyone who can help is asked to call PC Bob Bowen on 01432 276422 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.