THE word holiday derives from holy day, the non-work days of the Middle Ages, a day for downing tools and resting from work. As people focussed on God and enjoyed entertainment, at the associated fairs, body and soul were renewed.

During the holiday season many people are breaking from their ordinary routines to recharge their batteries. Whether you are re-charged by a fortnight on a beach or simply wandering the Malvern Hills we all need to be refreshed. Even Jesus broke from preaching and healing to be refreshed by God.

We would be well advised to follow Jesus' example, allowing God to refresh us. Spiritual refreshment comes through feeding on God's word in the Bible, and spending time listening to God in prayer. In turning to God we find spiritual refreshment.

Don't wait for a break from work for spiritual re-charge; make part of every day a holiday, or holy time when God refreshes you.

THE REV. DAVID NICHOL, St Peter's, Powick, and St James', Callow End, St Mary's, Guarlford, and St Mary's, Madresfield.