A LARGE contingent of Women's Institute members helped Malvern Horticultural Society enjoy its largest Summer Show for almost a decade last Saturday.

Society members and guests created a colourful and tasty display of their endeavours in flowers, fruit, vegetables, cakes and photographs for the judges at Dyson Perrins School hall.

But it was the WI members from Malvern Link and Poolbrook who helped swell the numbers of entries by about 30 per cent over recent years.

"I think we inspired the WI members and I think some of them liked the idea of going to Dyson Perrins because they live nearer," said show manager Tony Hughes.

"That's not a world shattering reason but it did mean that the cookery and craft section was far better supported."

Ironically, the society only changed venue from The Chase after many years this year because the school was not available.

In terms of quality at the show, Mr Hughes said judges had a tough job selecting the best apart from the familiar face who walked off with the top prize.

"There was little argument over the supreme award of 'best in show', which was deservedly won by the vase of three enormous gladioli grown by Gordon Russell," he said.

A notable first time winner was Leslie Clark who had success in the most meritorious vegetable exhibit and a 1st prize basket of vegetables.

Mrs Clark only recently moved to Malvern Wells and won the CW Dyson Perrins Cup and NVS Medal and the MHS Cup with specimens grown on her old allotment in Birmingham.

Reflecting on a hugely successful event, a delighted Mr Hughes also pointed to the half dozen children who took part.

He added: "The people at the show have an enthusiasm for growing and showing and if you can spark someone's interest they are hooked."

Trophy and class winners

Trophy Winners

Mrs E Scott Cup, most points, flowers, Simon Lampitt; H T Trigg Cup, most points, pot plant classes, Mrs J Fowler; L P Layton Cup, 1st dahlias, class 4, Margaret Watson; C R Lockyer Cup, 1st gladioli, class 5, Gordon Russell; T F Stainthorpe Rose Bowl, 1st specimen rose, class 9, Margaret Watson; D G Tullis Cup, 1st sweet peas, class 10, Gordon Russell; Capt R Limbert Cup, most points, vegetables and fruit, Gordon Russell; C W Dyson Perrins Cup and NVS Medal, most meritorious vegetable exhibit, Mrs Lesley Clark; MHS Cup, 1st basket of vegetables, Mrs Lesley Clark; MHS Cup, most points, floral art classes at spring and summer shows this year, Mrs Betty Dakin; MHS Cup, best photographic exhibit, Tony Hughes; Mrs F Dyson Perrins Cup and book token, most points in classes aged 11-15, Marc Crump; £3 book token: most points in classes for children under 11, Tayler Crump; Mrs Lissimore Cup, 1st in class 66 for WI, Malvern Link WI; MHS Cup, most points, cakes and preserves, Gay Tustin; Mitchell Cox and Williams Cup, best horticultural exhibit, Gordon Russell; Hotels Cup, exhibitor with most points in 1 and 2 who has not previously won a cup, Mrs Lesley Clark.

Class Winners

Flowers: Mixed garden flowers, Rachel Smith; Annual flowers, one variety, Anne Paget Smith; Mixed annuals, Mrs B Crump; Five dahlias, M Watson; Three gladioli, Gordon Russell; One gladioli, Gordon Russell; Flowering shrub, Mrs J Fowler; Five roses, Sally Fallon; Specimen rose, Margaret Watson; Seven sweet peas, Gordon Russell; Five violas, Mr Lampitt; Six pansies, Mr Lampitt; Border perennials, one variety, Joyce Tyler; Mixed border perennials, Mrs Crump; Combined, Margaret Watson; Flowering pot plant, Tony Hughes; Fuchsias, Mrs J Fowler; Geranium, Mrs J Fowler; Foliage pot plant, Gay Tustin; Cactus/succulent, Mr Lampitt; Patio container, Joyce Tyler; Lobelia (novelty class), Ann Davis.

Vegetables and Fruit: Basket of mixed vegetables, Mrs Lesley Clark; Three vegetables, Mrs Lesley Clark; Three potatoes, Gordon Russell; Five French beans, Fay Grist; Five runner beans, Fay Grist; Three globe beetroot, Gordon Russell; Three carrots, Ken Crump; Marrow's, one pair, Gordon Russell; Three courgettes, M Partridge; Five onions under 8oz, Mrs Lesley Clark; Five salad onions, Gordon Russell; Nine pickling shallots, Gordon Russell; Five tomatoes, Eric Dakin; Salad collection, Ken Crump; Any other vegetable, Fay Grist; Four sticks of rhubarb, Margaret Watson; Soft fruit, Anne Dodsworth; Other fruit, Margaret Laws; Collection of herbs, Anne Paget-Smith.

Floral Art and Children's: Children 11-15, miniature garden, Marc Crump; Dra-wing or painting, Marc Crump; Posy of summer flowers, Marc Crump. Children under 11, miniature garden, Tayler Crump; Floral collage, Tayler Crump; Drawing, 'funny face', Jessica Brocklebank.

Handicrafts and WI: Decorated item, Mrs Christine Reilly; Knitting, Mrs Betty Dakin; Sewn garment, Mrs E Dixon; Painting, A J Waldron; Any other crafts, M Partridge; WI Class, "Golden Jubilee", Malvern Link WI.

Photography: Colour print, single flower, David Watson; Transparency, single flower, Mrs E Jordan; Colour print, garden scene, Mrs E Dixon; Transparency, garden scene, Liz Jordan; Colour print "wildlife in garden", Tony Hughes; Transparency "wildlife in garden", Tony Hughes; Novice, any horticultural subject, Mrs E Dixon.

Cakes and Preserves: Fruit cake, L Hornblower; Victoria sandwich, Gay Tustin; Five cheese scones, Gay Tustin; Five biscuits, Gay Tustin; Five individual cakes, Mrs Lesley Clark; Pot of jam, Molly Waldron.