TWENTY tons of crushed ice will be carted into the Forum Theatre for the venue's first-ever ice spectacular.

Two new shows featuring the Russian Ice Stars are among a star-studded programme of events for the new season. Appearing from December 3-8, they will perform Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker and Sensational Ice, a show of ice highlights.

An evening of classic rock takes place on October 22, when top tribute bands The Counterfeit Stones and Queen sound-alikes The Royal Family become the first rock musicians to appear on stage alongside the English Symphony Orchestra.

Explorer Benedict Allen, returns to the Forum on October 1 to talk about his latest adventures, including his epic trek across Siberia.

Guy Masterson - great-nephew of actor Richard Burton - follows the success of his Under Milk Wood with another Dylan Thomas show, Fern Hill, on October 11. Tory politico Ann Widdecombe will be answering questions and sharing anecdotes in conversation with Radio Five Live's Iain Dale on October 14.

Ex-world middleweight boxing champion Chris Eubank presents his new one-man show on October 21, giving the audiences the chance to hear his opinions on just about everything. Fans of dance will applaud the return of the Richard Alston Dance Company on November 14-15.

The new brochure will be available shortly giving full details of all events at the Festival Theatre and the Forum from October to December.