Theatre August

13-17-The Railway Children by E Nesbitt at the Festival Theatre, Malvern Theatres. 2.30pm & 7pm. £9.50-£12.50, Children £2 off. Box Office (01684) 892277.


Malvern Cinema: Men in Black II (PG) Daily 3pm & 7.15pm daily. The Officer's Ward (La Chambre des Officiers). Wednesday 14 only. Performance starts 8.15pm in The Forum. Sex and Lucia (Lucia y el Sexo) Thursday 15 only. Performance starts 8.15pm in The Forum.

Odeon Worcester: Men in Black 2 (PG) 12.00, 2.00, 4.00, 6.30, 9.00 (Free list suspended); Eight Legged Freaks (12) 12.00, 2.15, 5.15, 8.15; Scooby Doo (PG) 11.45, 2.00, 4.15 6.30, 8.30; Crocodile Hunter (PG) Fri-Wed only 3.30; Devdas (PG) Fri-Wed only 12.00, 7.30; Spy Kids 2 (PG) Preview-Thurs only 12.00, 2.30, 5.00, 8.00; Stuart Little 2 (PG) 12.30, 2.30, 4.30, 6.30; Spiderman (12) 8.30; Minority Report (12) 12.00, 4.00, 8.00; Austin Powers in Goldmember (12) 12.45, 3.30, 6.15, 8.30; Odeon Movie Mob presents - Sat Only - Doors open 10am - Return to Neverland (U) 10.30, Monsters Inc (U) 10.30, Ice Age (U) 10.30; Odeon Senior Screen - Wed Only - Doors Open 10am The Shipping News (15) 10.30.

UGC Cinemas, Gloucester: New early bird ticket - All prices before noon Sat & Sun only £2.95, Adult prices before 5pm Mon-Fri only £3.90. Advanced screening - Spy Kids II (PG) Thurs only 11.10, 1.30, 3.50, 6.15, 8.40; Eight Legged Feaks (12) 11.10, 1.20, 4.10, 6.20, 9.00; Men In Black 2 (PG) 11.15, 11.55 1.30, 2.15, 3.40, 4.30, 6.00, 6.50, 8.30, 9.10. Austin Powers in Goldmember (12) 11.30, 1.45, 4.00, 6.30 (8.20 not Thurs), 8.50; Stuart Little 2 (U) Fri-Wed 12.20, 2.20, 4.20, 6.20, Thurs 11.20, 1.20; Scooby Doo (PG) 11.20, 1.35, 3.45, 6.10; Minority Report (12) 8.25; UGC Kids - Shrek (U) Doors 10am, starts 10.20am.

Pop and Rock August

Every Friday & Saturday-Over 30s disco at Great Malvern Club, 8pm. Dress smart casual.

Every Thursday, Friday & Satur-day-House and club classics at Don Pedros.

9-Roger Fletcher at the Malvern Hills Hotel.

10-Brickshed at the Cross Keys, Malvern. 8.30pm.

10-Dave Beale at the Green Dragon, Malvern. 9pm. Admission Free.

13-Black Jack at the Malvern Hills Hotel.

16-Star Cabaret in aid of Air Ambulance at Newtown Club. Tickets £3.

Folk and Jazz August

Appleyard Dancers meet every Thursday at Earls Croome Hall, near Upton. 8pm. New dancers (female) and musicians (male or female) welcome. (01905) 830285.

Music session at the Prince of Wales, Ledbury every Wednesday 8.30pm. Bring instruments.

Malvern Folk Dance Group meet Mondays 7.30-9.30pm, St Andrew's Hall, Poolbrook. Contact Malvern 572055. Classes in english folk dances.

9-Somers Traditional Folk Club meet at The Albion, Bath Road, Worcester. 8.30pm. Singers' night. Guest MC Tony Buckland.

15-Singaround - New Inn, Lower Howsell Road, Details (01684) 577390.

Clubs & Societies August

Every Thursday Malvern Scottish Dancing Club at Poolbrook Primary School, Malvern. 8-10.30pm. Tel (01684) 561680/540047. (Sept to May only).

Every Monday evening, Ledbury Sequence Dance Club, 8-10.30pm, Ledbury Community Centre.

Malvern Bridge Club meets on Thursday evenings at St Andrews Church Hall, Poolbrook, Malvern, play starts 7.15pm. Tel: 01684 594379.

Every Tuesday, Old Meg (Northwest Morris Dancers and Band) at Malvern. 8-10pm. New dancers and musicians welcome. Liz (01684) 540279 or Jane (01684) 892725.

Malvern Writers Circle meet second Wednesday of the month at Church Meadow Court, Graham Road. 7.30pm. Contacts (01684) 563784 (secretary), (01684) 569616 (chairman).

Malvern Hills Radio Amateurs' Club meets 2nd Tuesday of month at The Town Club, Worcester Road, Malvern, 7.30pm onwards. Details (01905) 351568.

Malvern Chess Club meets every Friday at Davenham House, Graham Road, Malvern, from 7.30pm. Details 01886 880010 or (01684) 574874.

Malvern 18 Plus Groups, a social organisation for all aged between 18 and 35, meet every Monday at The Manor Park Sports Club, Albert Road North, Malvern. 8.45pm. Phone (01684) 560249 or email malvern18plusUK for further information.

Malvern X Stitchers meet 2nd Monday of the month at the Ascension Church Hall, Somers Park Avenue, Malvern. 7.30-9.30pm. Details: Ellen Ingham (01684) 567168 or Barbara Cox (01886) 832246.

Every Monday & Wednesday-Ledbury Short Mat Bowling Club meet at the Community Centre. 9.30-12. New members welcome.

Malvern Recorded Music Society meets fortnightly on Mondays. Details (01684) 562779.

Every Tuesday-P H Badminton Club meet at Malvern College Sports Hall. 8-10pm. Social standard. Visitors welcome. Contact (01684) 575656.

Every Wednesday-The Rotary Club of Ledbury meet at 7pm in The Feathers Hotel, Ledbury. Contact D J Houghton (01531) 890696.

Every Monday (except Bank Holidays) Over 60 Club at the Salvation Army, Newtown Road, Malvern. 2.45pm. Details 01684 574458.

Malvern National Woman's Register meet regularly offering informal discussion. Contact Ingrid Dalgliesh on (01886) 832017.

Malvern Special Needs Swimming Club, every Saturday at Splash 5.15 - 6.15pm. Tel. Evelyn Cunningham (01684) 560445.

Every Monday-Ledbury Badminton Club play at the Leisure Centre, John Masefield High School. 6.30-9.30pm. Social standard. Visitors & new members welcome. (01531) 631892.

Every Monday evening-Foley Arms Bridge Group play rubber or Chicago bridge at the Foley Arms Hotel, Malvern. Details: Doreen Elliott (01684) 561525.

Second Tuesday-Royal British Legion Barnards Green Branch meet at Malvern Town Football Club, Langlands Stadium, Malvern. 7.15pm.

Malvern Northern Society, Summer programme. Details (01684) 566689.

Malvern Women's Singing Group meet most Tuesdays 8-10pm. Sunrise Centre. Tel: Mary (01684) 892482.

Every Saturday - Malvern Petanque Club (French boules) meet outside Great Malvern station (weather permitting). 2pm. Details (01684) 891999.

Chase & Upton Badminton Club club nights Monday & Friday. Home matches on Thursdays. Contact (01684) 574684 or (01684) 592125.

Third Friday in month-Ledbury & District branch of Embroiders' Guild meet in Ledbury. Visitors most welcome. Contact Sarah Hargreaves (01531) 635652.

Every Wednesday-Ledbury Salsa Club meet at 8pm at the Royal Oak, The Southend, Ledbury. £4. Beginners very welcome. Contact (01531) 635187.

Malvern Hills National Childbirth Trust organises social events for parents with young children, antenatal classes, breast feeding counselling, Valley cushion & breast pump hire etc. Information Paula (01886) 880134.

9-Narrow Gauge Railway Society meet at United Reformed Church Hall, Malvern Link. 8pm. Members slides & films

9-Worcester Locomotive Society meet at the Brewery Inn, Ledbury. 8pm. Members' evening.

10-Ledbury Naturalists' Field Club visit to Olchan Valley. Meet Bridge St car park 9.15am. Bring lunch & waterproofs. Leaders: Michael Harper, Peter & Stephanie Thomson.

10-Wyche & Colwall Horticultural Society Summer Show in Colwall Village Hall. 2-5pm. Admission £1, children under 16 free.

15-Worcestershire Naturalists' Club 5 mile walk with local RSPB Group at the Great Doward, nr Symmonds Yat. 10am. Leader: Cherry Greenway.

Sales & Bazaars August

Malvern WI Friday Market 9.00-11.00am.

Ledbury WI Friday Market 9.45-11.30am.

Every Thursday at Holy Trinity Parish Hall - Coffee & Stalls. 10-11.30am.

Every Friday at Christ Church Hall, Avenue Road. 10-noon. Coffee, tea, refreshments, greetings cards, Traidcraft.

Every Friday-Tea & coffee served at the United Reformed Church Hall, Malvern Link. 10-11.45am.

9-Jumble sale at Ascension Hall, Somers Park Avenue. 7pm. Admission 10p. Proceeds to Church funds.

10-Gardeners' Market at St Katherine's Hall, Ledbury. 9.30am-1pm. Admission Free.

Miscellaneous August

Every Tuesday Coffee Morning at St Matthias Church Hall, Malvern Link. 10-noon. Everyone welcome. Transport may be provided. Contact Age Concern Malvern on (01684) 560666.

Every Thursday Ballroom & Latin dancing. Welland Village Hall. 8-10pm. (01684) 310624.

Every second Wednesday-Tinnitus Self Help Group at Worcestershire Royal Hospital, Worcester. 2-4pm. (01684) 567496.

Every Saturday, weather permitting - Come and play French boule at the Marlbank pub. From 2.15pm. No equipment needed. Contact Sarah Tindle (01531) 890978.

Every Sunday-Cash bingo at Malvern Town Football Club. Doors open 6.30pm. Eyes down 7.30pm. In aid of County Air Ambulance, alternating with Thornton House Disabled Children's School.

Every Friday--Cash bingo at Malvern Town Football Club. Doors open 6.30pm, eyes down 7.30pm. In aid of County Air Ambulance Funds.

Every Wednesday-Malvern MIND weekly Support Groups at Lyttelton Rooms. 10.30am-Noon. Also Sundays 2.30-4.30pm at Social Education Centre, Off Geraldine Road. Details (01684) 574709.

Every Wednesday-Healing clinic at the Therapy Centre, Runnings Park. 8pm. Tel (01684) 573868.

Modern Dance classes and tap at Cecilia Hall, Church Street, Great Malvern. £3.40. Contact (01684) 573663.

Every Tuesday-On-going meditation groups. 7.30-9.30pm. £60 per ten weeks. Details: Helen Lees (01684) 560317.

Every Monday-Spiritual Awareness Meditation Group at the Sun Rise Centre. £3. Contact Jayne Frost (01684) 568647.

Every Wednesday-Quiz night at Malvern Hills Hotel. 8.30pm. £1 per person. Great cash prizes.

Every Wednesday-Yoga at the Wheel of Life Centre. 10am & 6pm.

Every Wednesday-Angel meditation class at the Wheel of Life Centre. 8.30-9.30pm. Details Anthony Rushton (01684) 578315.

Every Thursday-Jazz dance class at Christ Church Hall, Avenue Road, Malvern. 7.30pm. £3.30. Contact (01684) 573663/569755.

Every Tuesday-Tai Chi at Friends' Meeting House, 1 Orchard Road, Great Malvern. 7.30pm. Inner Dance School of Tai Chi & Chi Gong. Details (01684) 562528.

Every second Wednesday each month. Malvern Cancer Support Group. At 7.30pm, Touchstone Centre, Geraldine Road, Malvern. Support and friendship for patients and their families. Tel (01684) 564831.

Every Tuesday-Coffee morning at St Matthias Hall, Malvern Link. 10am-12 noon. Organised by Age Concern, Malvern & District.

Every Wednesday-Malvern Samba Club meet at the Cross Keys, Belmont Road, Malvern 8-10pm. Contact (01684) 540909.

9-Tea Dance at Civil Service Social Club, Spring Lane, Malvern Link. 2.30-5pm. £1.50. Organised by Age Concern Malvern & District.

10-Worcester's 11th Annual Health Show at the Guildhall, Worcester. 10am-4pm. Admission Free.

10-Swing-jive jamboree with ATD Disco at Ledbury RFC. 8pm. £5. Details (01452) 383584.

11-Family Fun Day at the New Inn, Lower Howsell Road, Malvern Link. 1pm onwards. Magician, face painting, skittles, tombola, grand draw. Proceeds to Air Ambulance & Friends of the New Inn.

For Children August

Every Wednesday - Welland Teddy Bears meet at Welland Village Hall. 10am-1pm. Older brothers and sisters welcome. Details Louise (01684) 593838.

Every Monday & Thursday-After school 'Mental Maths' classes at Holy Trinity Church Hall, Link Top, Malvern. £38 per month. Suitable for children four years & upwards. Details: Rachel Tobin (01905) 423724.

Borrowers Toy Library now open at Sixways Trading Estate, Barnards Green, Malvern. Tues 9.30am-4.30pm & Wed 2-7.30pm.

Exhibitions August

Until Aug 10-Summer Collection of paintings, prints & sculpture at On the Wild Side, Church Street, Great Malvern. Tues-Sat 10am-5pm.

Until Aug 10-Monoprint Landscapes by Italian artist Antonella Scarpa-Isles at the Foalyard Gallery, Bransford. Information (01886) 833337.

Until Aug 24-Malvern Concert Club's exhibition to celebrate 100 years at the Malvern Library.

11-Malvern Terrace Artists, exhibition of paintings and cards, by the bandstand, Priory Park, Malvern. 2-5pm.

Gardens August

Every Wed, Sat, Sun & Bank Holiday until end September-Garden at The Bannut, Bringsty, near Bromyard open 2-5pm. Home-made teas. Plants propagated from the garden. (01885) 482206.

Every Thursday until end September- Garden at Barnards' Green House, Malvern open 2-6pm. £2.50, children free. Teas, plants. No dogs. In aid of National Gardens Scheme.

Every Sat & Sun-Garden at Coddington Vineyard open. 2-5pm.

Daily-Garden at Moors Meadow, Collington, Bromyard open. 10am-5pm. £2, children free. Plants for sale. Tel (01885) 410318.

Walks August

9-Sole-mates Walking Group meet 10am at Langland Community Centre, Sherrards Green Road, for circular walk, Details 567468.

10-Bastonford Circular. Meet Imperial Road 9am for easy 10.5 mile walk towards Braces Leigh & Bransford parish. Bring packed lunch. Optional extra 2.5 miles. Leader: Kevin. MHDFS.

11-Meet Great Malvern Station for 14.47 train to Colwall. Walk back approximately 4 miles via the Beacon & St Annes Well. Leader: David Allen. Powick Parish Ramblers.

14-'Sole Mates'. Meet at Langland Community Centre 7p. for circular walk.

14-Leisure Walk. Meet Imperial Road 9.15am for 4 mile easy to moderate walk via Pixham & St Cloud. Leader: Ray. MHDFS.

15-Meet Bridge Street car park 9.20am for 5 mile walk to the eastern side of the Bishops Frome. Leaders; Roy & Margaret. Ledbury Walkers' Club.