I AM concerned at the reported comments in the local Press (Kidderminster Shuttle, September 26) by two leading councillors - Coun G Lord, Leader, and Coun Colin Beardwood - clearly showing their disappointment in the public inquiry outcome and their continued support for the incineration of municipal waste.

One would have to doubt their commitment to any plan that did not include incineration.

I am sure they were both speaking in a fit of pique - were they involved in the initial negotiations with FOCSA? - rather than any deeper interest in the incineration industry.

I am also concerned that the county council, as a waste authority, is continuing to negotiate with Severn Waste.

In my view, the inspector's report clearly shows that their (Waste Authority and Severn Waste) grasp of sustainable waste management is in question.

I understand the financial argument for continuing with them but if they are not up to the job it may be wiser to cut our losses now.

At the very least, I hope that whatever is done, is done in an open manner involving real public consultation and participation.

If they are allowed to continue as before without the restraints of public scrutiny they will only get themselves into the same difficulties and waste more even more of the taxpayers' money.

