So Mr Trebus, the eccentric Polish gentleman from Haringay, is no longer with us. I shall miss him, and particularly his forthright attitude to the Authorities!

For those who didn't see him on TV, he collected what we would call 'rubbish'. He called it "his belongings and his property". He collected so much that it took 6 men 11 days and 30 skips to clear his garden and house!

18 months later, and remember he was 82 years old, he had collected the same amount again!

Now he has gone, but I shall remember him. He took on the local council and nearly won, but his health, the lack of facilities in his house, and public health and safety finally beat him.

I will not feel so bad about keeping my own garage full of junk now. God speed, old man.

Stanley D. Parr, Paddock Close, Pershore, Worcs