A PROFESSIONAL steelpan player has been told he can return to play in Ledbury but only under certain conditions after his last performance caused a series of complaints.

Jamma, who has played for the Queen at Bucking-ham Palace, said he is hurt his performance by Led-bury's Market House led too complaints, although town clerk, June McQuaid has denied the music was ever described as "noise".

She also confirmed the Birmingham-based artiste would be welcomed back if conditions were met.

"He could come back on a trial basis on a Tuesday market day, under conditions still to be discussed," she said. "The trouble was, when he first set up outside the Market House, everyone thought, how nice, but he went on and on for hours, it was non-stop, and we have had complaints. But he is very good."

Jamma has given concerts at the Royal Fest-ival Hall, the NEC, and the Symphony Hall in Birmingham, as well as performing at a garden party given by the Queen in 1991.

He has been playing the steelpans for 25 years.

He said: "My feelings have been hurt. I don't need to go out of my way to come to small places like Led-bury, but I have a passion for my music and I want it to be for everyone.

"My music is particularly appreciated by the older folks, and I am a professional."

The street concert given by Jamma in Ledbury used an amplifications system.

Mrs McQuaid said the town council only had jurisdiction for High Street performances on Charter Market Days on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Herefordshire Council would have to legislate on any other days.