IN place of the planned speaker on September 5, group secretary Pat Hodgkinson introduced a video made by her cousin of his 86-day voyage on a 40-foot catamaran from South Africa to England.

It called at Durban, East London, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town, then via St Helena, the Ascension Islands and the Azores, across the Western Approaches and the Bay of Biscay.

There a passing ship, the SS Nariva, replenished the dwindling diesel supplies to enable them to complete the journey.

On September 19, the group was treated to a talk by Mike Ledbury on Morris Men.

Mike explained about the many trials he had to undergo before being finally accepted as a true and respected member of the White Hart Morris Men when he achieved the final accolade - his jig ribbons.

He demonstrated items of kit, such as bell pads (20 bells on each leg), a straw hat decorated to his own design, beer mug, sticks and longsticks and paper clips for restoring bruised finger nails.

Mike is also an accomplished performer on the melodeon.

Also during September, a stall at a boot sale raised £163 towards the Golden Jubilee reunion to which all members and ex-members are invited.

For more details, ring Ian on 62427 or Glenys on 527087.

The first walk of the month was from the ancient tithe barn at Middle Littleton when 22 members, led by Tessa and Anita, walked via Cleeve Prior through the beautiful countryside of the Vale of Evesham.

Members completed the last section of the Wychavon Way, ending at Winchcombe, on September 22.

This was a superb walk on a beautiful autumn day with magnificent views, led by Rick Connell and Jean Nokes. Afterwards there was a celebratory meal and drink at the Red Lion, Astwood Bank.

New members are welcome on walks and/or meetings. Call Pat on 402663 for more details.