AS a health care professional, I have, in the course of my duties over the last 10 years or so, had occasion to visit clients living in the Dolphin Road bungalows.

My first thought when I read the houses were to be demolished by the council was how pleased the residents must be.

Imagine my shock when discovering that an Action Group to save the properties had been formed.

Admittedly, some of the bungalows have been maintained and improved considerably by their occupants and the large gardens well tended, with the bungalows being spacious for those with mobility problems.

But the majority of residents who have spoken to me have expressed a desire to live in warm, modern accommodation.

Let's be honest - these homes are outdated, unsightly and uncomfortable.

I imagine the council was as surprised as me at the DRAG formation.

However, it is true to say these properties sit on a bit of prime real estate - 30 bungalows and the adjoining allotments could probably form the basis of at least 100 new properties, thus affording the council a considerable income.

I still find it hard to believe the current occupants (council tenants and private owners) would not be absolutely delighted to be offered alternative accommodation with draught-free windows, central heating, sound proofing, presumably eventually in one of the new properties that suit their needs.

Name and address supplied