WITH regard to your anonymous correspondent on the issue of the mosque to be built in Redditch (Letters, November 13).

Well, let's not let the truth get in the way of good old fashioned prejudice, eh?

Firstly, there is no calling of the faithful to prayer. It is not allowed, at all, ever.

Secondly, the design of a mosque is as a mosque should look, they are not any different here to anywhere else in the world.

There is a standard and shape one would expect a church to be and similarly, there is a shape one would expect a mosque to be.

Thirdly, the minaret is to be 20 metres tall, although the slab that the mosque is to be built on is five metres below the level of the road that serves it so it's effect will be limited. (The spire of St Stephen's Church is more than 40 metres high).

The light in the minaret is to be 80 watts, a bit less than most people have in their front room.

Two objectors attended and spoke at the meeting. The committee listened to their objections but felt that, on balance, their concerns had been reasonably addressed. No-one voted against it.

With regard to the enchanting calendar of Redditch roundabouts, the story as told to me some years ago by the then head of development control is that when the new town was first proposed, an informal meeting of planners was called to discuss how it would be set up.

Each went to the vending machine for a cup of tea or coffee and sat down in a circle around a map of the area.

As the meeting wore on, their coffee cups were set down in front of each and accidentally marked the map, when one of them hit on the brilliant idea of joining the rings together, and that is how we ended up with not only a lot of roundabouts but also our much-loved road network.

Of course, it could be just a story, but who knows?

Councillor CLIVE CHEETHAM Chairman, Planning Committee Redditch Council