WE write in reply to the Esso spokesman's comments in your November 6 issue.

Esso's public affairs department claims the company takes climate change "extremely seriously" but Esso continues to deny what everyone knows - that its products contribute to the problem.

Esso has denied the link between oil and climate change for more than 10 years but tries to hide this in Europe, where its views are unpopular.

However the company's head office policy is clear.

In its policy on climate change, dated May 2000, it said: "Science is not now able to confirm that fossil fuel use has led to any significant global warming."

In June, Esso chairman Lee Raymond said: "Now we do not believe that the science required to establish this linkage between fossil fuels and warming has been demonstrated - and many scientists agree."

But the world's most reputable scientists do not agree with him, or with anybody who is paid by Esso to deny the reality of global warming.

This company has done more than any other to subvert international action on climate change.

It points to its work on fuel cells, but we must point out Esso's fuel cells are the worst of the lot, and still rely on petrol.

Esso continues to make empty gestures toward the climate and still refuses to invest in renewable energy.

While we welcome any environmental improvements Esso makes, they're insignificant in comparison to Esso's lobbying against international action to tackle climate change.

We would therefore urge drivers to continue boycotting Esso until it stops its dirty tricks campaign against those who want to see action on global warming.

For the full explanation of the campaign and to find out how to get involved, visit www.stopesso.com.


Redditch & District

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