AT least we have now had a response from the Highways Unit to the range of letters you have recently published on the topic of "eye-level litter" posters attached to lampposts.

The facts are that the particular three-piece suite company has been advertising in breach of the law and by trespassing on highways' land and street furniture for more than three years, with no effective action by the local authorities or police.

Presumably, this business has been legally registered, paying business rates and VAT and yet we are told the various laws they are in breach of are difficult to enforce.

How can this be when the signs themselves, by definition, give the address of the business.

So the authorities' response after three years is to...wait for it... use law-abiding council taxpayers' money to pay contractors to remove the offending signs in the hope they can be removed as quickly as they are put up, thus discouraging the perpetrator. You couldn't write the script.

I am sure the council's carefully considered (over three years) strategy will be striking fear into the boardrooms of this and any other company considering breaking the law for commercial advantage.

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