Advertiser/Messenger Sports Editor STEVE CARLEY goes behind the scenes at Bromsgrove Rovers.

WHEN Bromsgrove Rovers managers Gary Hackett and Jon Ford suggested I go training with the team I thought they were joking. They weren't.

The subject was continually brought up at post-match interviews and so it was, that last Thursday, I found myself pulling on a bib for five-a-side football at the squad's training session at NEW College's gym.

As a self-confessed awful footballer, pitting my wits against players beaten only twice this season didn't fill me with great hope.

Neither did Hackett's comments as we set off from the Victoria Ground.

"Did you ever play football at school?," he asked. "No, I was never much good at football," I said. "This should be interesting then," he laughed. He wasn't wrong.

It's true, I don't claim to be a good footballer and if the ball goes roughly where it was intended then I'm happy.

The training routine was simple enough; three teams rotated on a first goal loses basis, no goalkeepers, three-touch football, keep the ball below head height and score within the penalty area.

Hackett led the session and was kind enough to introduce me to his players.

We stretched the five-a-side rules slightly, primarily to accommodate my potential lack of ability. There was one team of four, one of five and I was on the six-man side with Ashley Read, Kevin Banner, Stewart Brighton, Les Palmer and coach Steve Ingram.

A quick pace was maintained and the passing was slick and precise. Palmer for one showed some fancy skills and Read made fast and accurate runs.

The players looked sharp and forged out good scoring chances but it has to be said that shot accuracy was not as high as I was expecting, especially with no goalkeeper to beat.

As for me, I don't think I did too bad keeping up with the pace for the 60-minute workout.

At times I was afforded the occasional touch and even scored from a Palmer pass.

It all got a bit frantic when offsides were introduced for a spell, something not usually seen in five-a-side, prompting Palmer to walk out.

I would like to thank Gary and his squad for letting me in on their training session but I feel the telephone call won't be coming.