The Weatheroak group meeting was held at Wythall Village Hall on the 31st October and hosted by Wythall WI.

The evening's theme was suggested by the date and group secretary Mary Glaze welcomed members to a hall decorated with pumpkins, witches and ghosts.

After the items of news and 'Around the Institutes', Mary introduced Val Lewis who spoke on 'Ghostly reporting' supported by slides of the various haunted sites she had investigated.

Many of the local stories were known to members of the audience.

After tea Sheila O'Shaughnessy read a poem about a lost ghost, then the group was visited by two ghosts from the poem, looking for a suitable haunting spot , who kept members amused with their list of ghostly jokes.

The ghosts, otherwise known as Jo Chandler and Joan Johnson, were given a very warm reception as they went on their way clanking chains behind them.

The winner of the Rose Bowl for the best carved pumpkin was Alvechurch and after the raffle had been drawn, Brenda Dainty thanked Wythall WI for a very happy evening.

The next meeting was Wythall's AGM and Janice Jones attended as WI advisor.

Jill Warner agreed to continue as president and her committee will remain unchanged.