PARISH COUNCIL: Once again the vexed subject of the water leak in Dock Lane was discussed and it was agreed that the Highways Authority should receive copies of correspondence with Severn Trent, since the road was now suffering serious erosion and the excavations made some weeks ago constitutes a danger to public safety.

The question of repairs to the bus shelter on Waterloo Corner was aired. The chairman, Mr Derrick Grainger showed photographs which indicated the parlous state of the roof. It was agreed that the bus shelter should be re-tiled, replacing the present Cotswold stone tiles to cut down present and future costs.

Mr Cook was thanked for re-painting and cleaning the inside of the shelter which had benefited from his constant care.

Councillors examined carefully the estimates for 2003/2004 which the clerk, Mr Tim Foster, had provided. It was agreed to keep in an amount which might go towards footpath lighting some time in the future.

Although plans existed for this, parishioners would be consulted on priority areas. It was also suggested that some amenity lighting might materialise from the re-development of the garage site. It was agreed that there would be no increase in the parish precept.

The next meeting was booked for Monday, February 10 at 7pm.