HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY: Instead of the usual monthly meeting, members and friends of BVHS enjoyed a cheese and wine party in December. The monthly competition A Photograph - Flower/Flowers attracted 11 entries and was judged by Mrs A Barham, was won by Mrs R Kimpton with Mrs Stewart second and Mrs Channin third. The Goodfellow Cup for the highest number of points gained in the monthly competition during the year was won by Mr Brian Hayward with Mrs R Darbon, second, and Mrs Manning third. Blockley Ladies' Choir provided the entertainment with a wide range of music from classical to carols interspersed with folk songs and sketches for good measure and Mrs R Russell sang the first verse of I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas with everyone joining in the second verse.

The evening concluded with community carol singing for which Miss Gill Shakeshaft provided the accompaniment.

The 2003 subscriptions will be due at the AGM in January and the monthly competition will be for six mince pies.