ROYAL BRITISH LEGION: This year's total collection for Poppy Day amounted to £5,376. The daily visits to Strensham Motorway Services brought in £3,713. The balance of £1,662 was raised from house-to-house collections, village 'static points' and donations for wreaths etc and the Legion expresses grateful thanks to all collectors and contributors for their devotion and support.

SCOUT AND GUIDE GROUP: The bazaar in November raised £400 for group funds and the organisers express thanks to those who supported this event and all the helpers and leaders for making this such a happy occasion. Councillor and friend Mrs Betty Hughes from Pershore made her 11th visit and there was also a visit from District Scout Commissioner Mr Chris Brewster. Mr Brewster made a special presentation to former Cub leader Mrs Doreen Rowley, who worked so hard with the Cubs for many years. Doreen's helpers, Mrs Jenny Linton, also received recognition.

Thanks go also to Mrs Alex Smith for all her time and hard work in organising the 200 Club for the group.