PARISH COUNCIL: Coun Eyre reported that there would be more targeted visual police patrols, there would be 10 more officers for Wychavon and the call centre would be improved. She reported that the Chief Constable of West Mercia had said that speed was an issue in rural villages and that it was usually the locals who were speeding. Speed cameras are to be set up in 30mph areas where there are straight roads.

Coun Eyre was asked to reiterate that the agreed speed limit on the A4538 (A44) was to be 40mph at Fladbury Cross.

In discussion on the precept it was pointed out that the increased proposed expenditure was mainly due to the allocation of new and improved lighting, the provisions for an election and legal costs.

Vacancy for councillor: Three applications had been received and it was agreed that the applicants should attend a meeting in order that the council could consider the applications in more detail.

It was agreed that a website should be prepared for the posting of the minutes.

Next meeting to be held on Monday, January 13.