CONCERT: The concert by the Harvington Singers performed in St James' church was well attended and warmly praised not only for the quality of the music but for the convivial atmosphere which accompanied the event. In his short speech at the end of the evening, chairman Alan Hirst spoke of the pleasure which the choir brings to its members and he paid tribute to the conductor Peter Harrison and accompanist John Langley without whose services and commitment the choir could not function. Warm thanks went also to the visiting artistes and to the village bellringing team who rang in the event. The choir is now 45 strong but there is a shortage of tenors. Anyone wishing to join should contact Alan on 870162 for details of the forthcoming events and the rehearsal schedule.

VILLAGE HALL: The Village Hall Management Committee chairman, David Clarke-Sykes, has issued an open invitation to all those residents who have supported in any way the fund-raising events which have been taking place in recent weeks, to join him and members of the committee for coffee on Saturday between 10.30am and noon in the village hall. There will be no charge but donations may be made. This is not a money-raising event in itself - more a gesture designed to say 'thank you' for interest shown and support given - but it will be followed in the New Year by further specific fund-raisers, details of which will be published shortly. Some of the unexpected expenses have been met but there are other repairs and restorations urgently in need of doing and it is hoped that these can be planned for the early Spring, so ongoing fund-raising will be essential.