PARISH COUNCIL: Residents of Salters Lane (Fladbury and Hill & Moor) voiced their concerns on a planning application for Spring Hill Farm (Evesham Vale Growers). Those present were advised that the parish council rigorously opposed the application.

In addition to this application a number of residents raised current operational concerns about the status of 'temporary caravans' on the farm site, the increase of HVG traffic and the speed of these vehicles using the lane. Questions were further raised as to whether vehicle movement restrictions were in force, as traffic to the farm was heard on occasions both in the early hours of the morning and late evening. All concerns were noted and the Parish Clerk to write formally to Wychavon District Council.

Those present noted that due to the unsuitability of Salters Lane for traffic movement, an increasing amount of traffic is using the village and Blacksmiths Lane as a 'rat run' to exit or access safely onto the main road at the main entrance to the village. This particular concern arises from both local traffic conditions and the new fast track main road. These concerns have been discussed with the WCC Highways Department and the West Mercia Police.

The Council thanked coun Williamson for her design and production of the parish council Christmas Cards that will be distributed throughout the parish.

Coun Gordon spoke of the need for recycling in the area and felt the county council had not responded to this requirement. While a suggestion to possibly locate recycling skips on the playing field was turned down, based on a history of misuse and debris, it was stressed that this parish council would welcome participation in any future village recycling project.

The next full parish council meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 9.