CHRISTMAS BAZAAR: A good attendance, an abundance of quality goods and brisk business raised £950 for the King George's Hall Fund. Mr T Pring, chairman of the management committee, thanks everyone for their help in organising the event.

WEDNESDAY CLUB: The November 6 meeting was opened by the chairman, Joan Chaloner who introduced three new members to the committee - Nancy Bowsted, Tom Pay and Pat Farington. The speaker was Mr Peter Preece, giving a talk on Guide to Wildlife Photography.

Mr Preece commenced by showing his camera which he said cost as much as his first house. He has made his garden into a haven for wild birds and showed on his slides, the way he plants nuts and worms etc for the birds to find while he took photographs. He also freezes nuts, berries and dead mice for harder times.

Mr Preece was an excellent speaker, who held the full attention of a good audience. The photography was superb. Sara Lancaster gave the vote of thanks.

On November 20 Mrs Ann Foster was the speaker talking about the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, a charity that looks after the properties and gardens of William Shakespeare. Mrs Foster was very informed, showing slides and telling the history of the properties in question. Some of the furnishings have to be replaced due to wear and tear and Mrs Foster explained how this was done. There are 17 gardeners who grow all the plants and herbs and try to keep the gardens as they were 500 years ago. Following September 11, finances declined to a fall in the number of foreign tourists, but things are beginning to improve. The Trust is responsible for funding itself. Norbert Halama gave