PARISH COUNCIL: Vacancy on parish council: There has still been no response and councillor Mrs Webb offered to put posters up in the village.

Bus shelter: The chairman reported that at a meeting arranged following the last parish council meeting it had been suggested that the council go for three bus shelters, two on the A44 and the third on the opposite side of the road to the wooden one by the bus pull-in. The chairman has spoken to various people and there are grants available of up to £10,000 towards making life easier in the community which includes new bus shelters. The parish council would need to find 25 per cent of the cost and £2,500 has been identified in the precept for this. It was suggested that a more suitable site for the third shelter might be by the pub where the children wait or Coombefield Road entrance. Various brochures were circulated with details of shelters. The next step is to arrange for a survey of traffic operation within the village at a cost of £250. Councillor Bastow proposed this be arranged, one councillor abstained and all others were in favour. Councillors agreed to discuss the bus shelters in more detail at a further meeting.

Mobile Re-cycling Services: Details have been received regarding a new scheme for mobile recycling services and questions were asked as to who would be responsible for cleaning up when they have moved and the clerk was asked to check on this. Councillor Mrs Smith suggested they could be sited on the triangle used as a car park.

Next meeting to be held on Wednesday, January 8.