A MAN who burgled a home in Beckford has been jailed for a total of three years and banned from driving for two.

Michael Connors, aged 19, of Lyndsay Avenue, Ardlington in Northampton, was wanted by West London police following a high-speed chase in which people were injured and cars written off.

At Isleworth Crown Court on Monday, December 16, Connors admitted dangerous driving, failing to stop after an accident and driving without a licence or insurance on May 30.

He further admitted burglary at Beckford and two attempted burglaries in Bromsgrove in July after failing to answer his bail in court for the motoring matters. He then went on a burgling spree with two other men.

Their first victim was 83-year-old Agnes Davidson of Sweden Lane, Beckford, who answered the door to him on July 11. "He told her the water main had burst and she should turn on the tap and keep her hand on it," said counsel. "Another man came into the house and she realised that her handbag and cash box had been taken out of cupboards.

"She said she was going to call the police. The men disappeared and she found her £84 pension money had been stolen," said Mr Stanton. Two other householders in Bromsgrove were targeted but were refused entry. Connors was arrested in West Yorkshire in September.

Jailing him, Judge Hezlett Colgan told him "This is the sort of driving that cannot be overlooked by the courts. You presented a danger to yourself, your passengers and other road users."

On the burglaries he said: "Those who commit residential burglaries often leave fear and distress behind them and this is particularly true when the victims are elderly as they were in this case.

"Had you been older I would have sent you to prison for a very long time indeed but I am satisfied that you have shown genuine remorse."