AM I the only one who thought Cherie Blair's apology lacked the sincerity the British people deserved?

The overall impression I got was one of a well-rehearsed barrister summing up to the jury.

I almost expected to here her say "ladies and gentlemen, I put it to you the only crime my client committed was to protect her family."

If she had rounded the speech with "I just want to be your Queen of Hearts," I think I would have cried into my beer.

In this the same non-political Cherie who voiced her opinions on Palestinian suicide bombers and storms around the corridors of power like a Minister without portfolio?

I think I smell a bit of Labour spin-doctoring.

Besides, will she be billed by the Government Press Office for releasing statements using taxpayers' money?

While we will be worrying about our children's student loans and university top-up fees, the Prime Minister's wife buys a £500,000 flat for her student son.

How far are these Champagne Socialists removed from the ordinary electorate?

