ANTI-hunt protesters showed bare-faced cheek when they streaked through Droitwich before the start of the Worcestershire Hunt's Boxing Day meet.

Supporters and protesters were out in force at Droitwich's Raven Hotel, for what could be the last Boxing Day meet in its existing form.

The two naked campaigners, one with the words "ban it" daubed on his back, were escorted away by police and are due to appear before Worcester Magistrates charged with indecent exposure later this month.

A local animal rights campaigner had delivered leaflets, called "Stop the Droitwich Killers", to residents in the town encouraging them to join a peace protest outside the hotel.

"Those of us who live in Droitwich see it as a calm and tranquil sort of place," the anonymous protester wrote. "Our peace and quiet is to be invaded by the local fox hunt on Boxing Day. Personally, I resent it."

Some protesters carried placards and all shouted and jeered at the hunters on horseback.

But a number of people also turned out to support the hunters - who remained defiant about its future, even in the face of a possible ban.

Some said they firmly believed the new Bill, now going through Parliament, would not bring an end to the traditional Boxing Day meetings.

"I have been defending fox hunting for the last 30 years and I have witnessed a huge change in the public's perception recently," said Bob Brierley, spokesman for the Worcestershire Hunt.

"New figures show that the vast majority of people are now in favour of licensing it rather than banning it."

Clare Rowson, from the Countryside Alliance, said that the level of support hunters received at the hunts in Droitwich, Hagley and Croome was higher than ever.

"The huge attendance reflected the solidarity and resolve, not just among the hunting community but also among those who support the right of others to continue hunting," she said.