A FORMER soldier who started a fight in a Hereford fish and chip shop has been ordered to do 120 hours of unpaid work for the community.

Michael Hutton, aged 20, of Curlew Close, Hereford, was also ordered to pay £403 costs at Worcester Crown Court, where he admitted assault causing actual bodily harm.

Bad feeling between Hutton and Robert Wilks began when they bumped into each other outside the shop in Commercial Road on Saturday, September 1, last year said David Watson, prosecuting.

Blows were exchanged but eventually the pair separated.

Ten minutes later, Hutton followed Mr Wilks into the shop and attacked him.

Others joined in and Mr Wilks was cut and bruised and had to have two teeth capped.

Dele Alakija, defending, said Hutton had left the Army with an exemplary character, although he had been cautioned for violence. There had been provocation before the assault in the shop.

Mr Alakija said there was no longer rancour between the men and they wished to put the incident behind them.