A DRINK driver narrowly escaped prison after being caught driving while more than three times over the legal limit.

Michael Harrison, aged 53, was stopped by police when he tried to reverse his Vauxhall Vectra out of the car park of the Dew Drop Inn, in Lower Broadheath, Worcester magistrates heard.

Crown prosecutor Abi Nixon said police had been informed about the poor quality of driving and when they stopped Harrison at 4.35pm on Sunday, November 10, they could smell alcohol on him.

"They carried out a roadside test, arrested him and took him back to the police station," added Miss Nixon, at Monday's hearing.

"There he gave two samples, the lower of the two being 109mcg."

This put Harrison well above the legal limit of 35mcg in 100ml breath.

Harrison had a previous conviction for drink driving in December, 1995, Miss Nixon told the court.

Richard Hull, defending, drew the magistrates' attention to the pre-sentence report, adding Harrison's means were limited and that he now lived with his mother in Wheatfield Way, Chelmsford, in Essex.

Mr Hull also asked the bench to consider Harrison's early guilty plea.

Harrison admitted driving above the alcohol limit and was ordered to serve a 200-hour community punishment order and was disqualified from driving for three years.

"This is as close as you can come to a custodial sentence," said the chairman of the bench.