A MOTHER-of-two has been bound over after a fight broke out with a love rival.

Clare Almond denied the charge of assault by beating but admitted an altercation had taken place on Saturday, August 2.

Almond had attacked a woman in the communal hallway of a block of flats, said Abi Nixon, prosecuting.

"The defendant punched her in the face six times for no reason," said Miss Nixon.

Pushed and punched

However, Iain Mutch, defending, said 23-year-old Almond, from Burrows Close, Malvern, had been pushed and punched in the stomach by the victim.

"She had been somewhat resentful of my client's relationship with her then boyfriend, and resentful of the fruit of that relationship, their child," Mr Mutch told magistrates on Monday, December 23.

"My client claimed in police interview she only punched her once in the face and that was in self-defence,"

Almond was bound over for £100 for 12 months.