MEMBERS of Pauntley Parish Council met on Monday, December 9 at Pauntley Memorial Hall at Brand Green. Coun Eric Solesbury was the chairman. There was one apology from Coun John Chapman. The clerk, Mrs Gwyneth Benjamin was in attendance.

For some time the parish council has been two councillors short. This deficit has been filled by the co-option of Mr Tony Ford of Brand Green and Mr Doug Morgan of Ketford.

The clerk was asked to write to Diana Organ MP about the continuing bad state of the roads in Pauntley parish. Welsh House Lane and the road from the bottom of Pool Hill to Botloes Green are in a poor state of repair. These roads with their potholes are causing real concern to many people. The closure of Ketford Bridge, which is being replaced, has increased traffic on these roads in recent months.

The commencement of work on Payford Bridge and its closure is due on January 3. It is hoped that this bridge will not be closed until Ketford Bridge is in place once again.

The Freedom of Information Act was discussed and the council's statement will be forwarded to the Information Commissioner at Wilmslow in Cheshire. All information held by Pauntley Parish Council is available to the public by appointment with the clerk.

Planning matters were discussed.

The precept for 2003/2004 was set at £2,800. The increase is to cover the election in 2003, increased audit fees and the donation to Pauntley Memorial Hall in Brand Green. It is hoped to make a reduction in the precept for the following year when there is no election.

The next meeting of the parish council is on Monday, March 10 at 7.30pm in Pauntley Memorial Hall, Brand Green.