There was considerable alarm among local residents on Tuesday of last week, when horses and hounds were seen in full cry in the West Malvern Playing Fields, which include a popular childrens' playground, and the Community Woodland, recently planted with young trees, many of which are still in their protective guards. Fortunately no significant damage was caused by the horses' hooves, but the whole area is regularly used by mums and children - often toddlers in pushchairs - and others, many of them elderly, and frequently accompanied by dogs. The parish council is making urgent representations to the hunt that this conduct is not acceptable in a place of public recreation, and is seeking assurances that it will not be repeated. The parish council has pointed out that such unauthorised entry onto land by the hunt is unlikely to help its cause if it is required to apply for a special licence to continue hunting under the recently published parliamentary bill.

Following a decision at the parish council's November meeting the worn area below the infants' swings in the playground has been with fitted with 'safety grass' - rubberised surface through which grass can grow naturally. The work was carried out by parish steward Stan Creamer shortly before Christmas.

May I wish all readers of this corner of the Gazette a healthy, happy and prosperous 2003.