MALVERN artist Olwen Tarrant escorted Prince Philip around London's Mall Galleries.

The Duke dropped by for an unofficial look round the Royal Institute of Oil Painters' annual exhibition, and Mrs Tarrant was on hand to show him round in her capacity as president.

"He is very interested and knowledgeable about painting," she said. "It was pleasing to show him the work of ROI artists.

"The ROI has always had links with the royal family and many of its members have opened the exhibition over the years."

It was the second dignitary she had escorted round the exhibition in as many days, as Michael Portillo MP had visited the gallery to perform the official opening ceremony.

Mrs Tarrant said she had been impressed by the former Government minister's knowledge of the arts.

"Not many could have named all the Scottish Colourists," she said, "It was fascinating to hear him speak of the great influence paintings had played on his early life."