AN award-winning group that provides opportunities for local children to shine is in danger of collapsing because of a lack of help.

Since Malvern Young Engineers was started four years ago by Judy Thomas, more than 100 children who find traditional learning methods in schools frustrating have discovered somewhere they can stretch their abilities.

Mrs Thomas said tutors at university and college departments who had supervised the youngsters were consistently amazed by the concentration and understanding they display.

She said many had difficulty learning with pen and paper at school but when given opportunities to tackle problems simply using their hands their work rate and achievement levels soar.

This is borne out by the many notable triumphs the group has scored.

These include building an electric car which won prizes at a national race event, having members selected for a four-day course in electronic engineering at Plymouth University and designing a robot shepherd which made the UK final of the First LEGO League this month.

They have also taken part in activities from making planes and building computers to glass-blowing and woodwork.

But, if funding is not found soon, Mrs Thomas said she was going to have to consider stopping because of the strain of having to constantly find "bits and pieces" as well as supervising the group.

She has been running five workshops a week and organising weekend events, and could easily run many more as they are over-subscribed.

"I do not want to keep on working round the clock, on weekends and holidays," she said.

Mrs Thomas, a former teacher and a volunteer for the Arts Dyslexia Trust, added that she does not want to start charging parents to cover costs. She is aware that there are grants and funds available but does not have time to sit down and write applications for them.

She is appealing for funding to pay for tutors and workshop space over the next 12 months, or for a college or university faculty to adopt the group, as she now feels she has amassed enough knowledge to pass on the formula that has made it so popular.

"In many ways, I feel I have been running a research project for many years," she said. "I could brief the tutors."

For details ring her on 01905 831100.

l Club member Sam Burton hopes it has a future. Picture by Jay Watson. 51521201