DISABLED people who need special equipment to live at home have been left in the lurch because of a shortage of money.

Although grants are usually available from Malvern Hills District Council to pay for things like stair lifts, access ramps, grab rails and toilet hoists, this financial year they have already spent their allocated £256,000.

At a meeting of the executive committee last week, councillors acknowledged that they were unable to help 26 people who have applied for Disabled Facilities Grants totalling £130,000.

With only £2,000 left, the head of housing Keith Parry agreed to apply for further funds from the office of the Deputy Prime Minister.

However, even if the request is granted, the Government would only supply 60 per cent of the shortfall, leaving MHDC to find the remaining £52,000.

Mr Parry said that for situations they deemed as an emergency, would they use money from council reserves.

Mike McKnight, chief officer of Community Action, said the decision to delay payments would affect the disabled community in a number of ways.

"Any delay will affect people with disabilities that have just come from hospital," he said. "They may not even be released from hospital, it depends how dependent they are on facilities."

Coun Graham Myatt said the council should increase next year's budget, which is due to be approved next month. He also questioned which applications should be regarded as 'emergencies'.

"If money can be found for a real emergency why can't it be found for all of them?" he said.