Your correspondent Clive Smith (Your Letters, December 13) clearly appears to have misunderstood the MHDC single site issue and I would like to take this opportunity to clarify a number of points relating to the concern he expressed.

The council is not "hell bent" on the acquisition of a new building. The working party has been asked to demonstrate whether there are benefits for the community before going any further. These might include a sports hall, affordable housing, partnerships with local organisations and other schemes.

There is currently no preferred site and no decision on a new building. The option of upgrading the present sites was costed at £790,000, by the consultants who, I believe, were approved by the Lib Dem leader. This money would be used to cover the cost of repairs and for the improvement of disabled access, an issue which cannot be ignored.

We will consider carefully and then consult local residents on specific proposals. The citizens of the district might actually like to keep local government in Malvern rather than follow the Lib Dems to Pershore or County Hall.

Coun Mrs Serena Croad,

Trinity Ward, Malvern.