A MALVERN organ-making firm is looking at a new site on the edge of the town.

Nicholson and Sons is currently based in Quest Hills Road, Malvern Link, where it has operated since the 1950s, but it has been looking for a new home for some time.

Now Malvern Hills District Council has been sent a planning application for converting an industrial unit at Inter-fields, off the B4503 between Malvern and Leigh Sinton, for the "restoration and construction of musical instruments".

The application has been made by the building's owner, David Chadney/DC Services.

Andrew Moyes, Nicholson's MD, said the firm was considering moving to Interfields, but nothing was definite yet.

Nicholson's plan to convert its existing factory into five houses was approved by planners in July this year.

A plan to move into a former dairy off Leigh Sinton Road was thwarted in 2000.

The firm is due to start restoring the Malvern Priory organ, probably in the autumn.