
SCIENTISTS found evidence to support the theory that Malvern was once a coastal resort. This was in the shape of rocks examined by Herefordshire and Worcestershire Earth Trust, which concluded the sea would have lapped the lower reaches of the Malvern Hills 440 million years ago.

Ambassador Theatre Group suspended its bid to take over the running of the Malvern Theatres. ATG's offer had failed to attract support at the Gazette & Reporter's public meeting in July.

The Defence Science and Technology Laboratory announced plans to close its Malvern base, removing 250 jobs from the town. DSTL was looking to concentrate its activities on sites in Kent, Wiltshire and Hampshire.

Thieves stole the war memorial in Earls Croome. The 6ft memorial included a figure of Christ on the cross, specially reconstructed following damage to the original in 1999 after it was hit during a road accident.

The former landlady of Ledbury's Severn Stars pub, Janet Kaye, 43, was cleared by Hereford Crown Court of starting the blaze which destroyed the pub in July, 2001.

Paul Tanner, a former pupil at John Masefield High School in Ledbury, welcomed the conviction of a man who stabbed him at an Underground station in London. Mr Tanner, an officer with the British Transport Police, was seriously injured in the attack, his assailant was sentenced to life by an Old Bailey judge.

A SPELL of hot weather was being blamed for the death of several of Ledbury's new Jubilee Oaks. Fifty were planted around town to mark the Queen's 50 years on the throne.

THERE was joy for Ledbury in Bloom supporters as the town completed a hat-trick of regional titles and won the overall regional title to boot. Ledbury enters the national event in 2003 representing the Heart of England region.


MORE than £300,000 left over following the refurbishment of The Splash in Malvern would be invested in new sports facilities at Dyson Perrins CE High School, announced Malvern Hills District Council.

The Heritage Lottery Fund agreed a grant of almost £1 million to support plans to reintroduce stock grazing on the Malvern Hills and the refurbishment of some of its historic wells and spouts.

Enterprising Malvern businessman David Urquhart turned a pile of stones he bought for less than £100 into a scale model of Stonehenge. It was sold at Sotheby's in London for £1,762.

AN ancient fault line alongside the Malvern Hills contributed to an earthquake measuring 4.8 on the Richter scale which shook the Midlands.

A £1.2 million grant from the Department for Education and Skills for a new sixth form block at Ledbury's John Masefield High School was described as a "vote of confidence" by head Chris Tweedale.

HMS Ledbury welcomed a delegation from the town to tour the ship at Gravesend. The ship is due to be deployed in the Persian Gulf next year for a naval exercise. The following week the death was announced of Cdr Tony Hollings, who commanded the HMS Ledbury during the Second World War, service which included the murderous PQ17 Arctic convoy battle and the battle to supply Malta.

Ralph Rich, of Ledbury, who lost his arm in a farm machinery accident in 2001, was chosen to join a tall ship crew to sail in the Mediterranean. He lined up with Ledbury Rotary Club's David Tombs, an official watch captain with the Jubilee Sailing Trust, which operates the vessel.

FRIENDS of St Mary's Church in Newent announced plans for a major fundraising drive to restore the 18th Century organ to its full glory.


MORE than 50 firefighters from Malvern, Ledbury, Upton, Hereford, Worcester, Bromsgrove, Droitwich and Redditch combined to fight a blaze over 500 metres of North Hill. The fire took three hours to bring under control.

A BY-ELECTION for a seat on Malvern Town Council left voters with a choice - of one candidate. Pat Merrick's opponent withdrew after the deadline and still appeared on poll cards. 'Don't vote for me' was the message and Pat duly won.

THE failed Game and Country Fair at the Three Counties Showground left debts totalling more than £170,000. The event attracted nowhere near the 30,000 people hoped for and creditors were warned that not all of them would see their money.

Worcestershire County Council revealed it was bidding for funds from the Government for a new motorway access on to the M50. The £1.25m plan was centred on Sledge Green and was aimed at giving an alternative to Upton in times of flooding. Amid local opposition and concern the proposal would damage the campaign to raise the A4104 at Upton, in December the Government said no to the money.

A Ledbury couple looking for a quick sale for their house added an extra incentive - their car. Terry and Sally Hilliard, of New Street, were offering to sell their Mercedes V230 Fashion - worth £29,000 new - for just 1p to the buyer.

Villagers in Bringsty were celebrating news the the Live and Let Live pub was being sold and was planned to reopen in the spring. The pub had been closed for six years and a long battle had been fought against plans to turn it into a house.

HEREFORD Diocese's deliverance minister was called-in by Stoke Lacy's Parish Clerk after claims the A465 was haunted. After a series of crashes, motorists reported the steering wheel being pulled to one side. A story of a fatal crash in the 1930s or 40s following a struggle over the wheel had also emerged.

A PROFESSIONAL steelpan player who once played for the Queen at Buckingham Palace said he was hurt over his reception in Ledbury. Street musician Jamma, from Birmingham, faced complaints about the noise and length of time he played outside the town's Market House.


STORMS wreaked havoc in Herefordshire and Worcestershire. A tree fell through the roof of a house in Malvern and water and electricity supplies were cut off in parts. For many electricity customers, supply was off for days but supplier Aquila refused to pay compensation claiming 'exceptional circumstances'.

The redevelopment of North Site in Malvern was under the spotlight at two exhibitions. The 48-acre MoD-owned base could be developed for up to 630 new houses but there is pressure for some of the site to be given over to employment land.

Malvern Hills District Council agreed to employ consultants to examine the case for a new £4.6 million headquarters, funded by selling off its existing four office buildings.

Plans to build a new hospital in Malvern were under threat after South Worcestershire Primary Care Trust launched a review of all its service provision in light of a proejected £5 million overspend in its budget.

SUPPORTERS of the current management of Malvern Theatres celebrated after news of a deal to secure the venue's future. Malvern Hills District Council agreed to pay off its £600,000 debt and invest a further £600,000 over three years, after hearing the management's future plans for the venue.

PARISHIONERS at Hollybush launched a £25,000 appeal after news the church's west wall was close to collapse. There are fears the crisis could close the 130 year old church.

LEDBURY fruitgrowers agreed to support cidermakers Bulmers as it struggles with financial problems. Growers agreed to accept phased payment for this year's bumper £4 million crop to help the firm.

MALTA convoy veteran Robert Cosh, from Ledbury, was offered citizenship of Valetta by the island's government after it realised that it had missed him out from official commemorations in August, when veterans were recognised for their help.


MALVERN'S first every ice rink was created at The Forum for a visit by the Russian Ice Stars. The 12-metre rink was created over 36 hours for performances of Sensational Ice and The Nutcracker.

A MAJOR festival to mark the 70th anniversary of the death of Sir Edward Elgar was announced by the English Symphony Orchestra. Prince Charles has agreed to be patron of the event, in July 2004.

DYSON Perrins sixth former Kay Bushnell was preparing for a two-day fast on Christmas Day and Boxing Day to raise money for charity.

THE Three Counties Showground announced that its new Leisuretime Show would not be held in 2003. The family orientated show is being reviewed after disappointing visitor numbers at the inaugural event.

A BUMPER crowd estimated at 1,000 turned out to witness the switch on of Ledbury's Christmas lights by carnival princess Nicolle Bramley.

THE memories of 104-year-old Nellie Williams live on after her death at Leadon Bank, Ledbury. Interviewed shortly before her death, Nellie was able to recall a Zeppelin raid on London during the First World War, her work in a munitions factory and her mother's disapproving description of Ledbury as a rough country town when she moved there.

A BABY was born in the back of ambulance by the side of the road in Ledbury after deciding she would not wait for the trip to hospital. Mum Gina Hoskins and dad Adrian Baker praised the crew for ensuring a safe breach delivery of baby Kelly.

PAULINE Holcroft from Ledbury, the mother of Rachel Whitear, was named one of Britain's bravest women for her anti-drugs campaigning work. Images of her daughter's death following a heroin overdose were being used to put the message across in schools, beginning with a showing at John Masefield High School.