RUNNERS are invited to join a new training group being set up by the owner of a Malvern Link shop.

Oli Davey of Runaround, on Worcester Road, is launching the group in response to requests from customers

"There are so many runners in the area and no formal running groups," he said.

Mr Davey, whose shop sells clothing for runners, wants people of all ages and abilities to take part every Wednesday from 7pm, starting on January 8.

Founding members will be staff from the shop and people Mr Davey knows, but he hopes there will be over 20 runners once it is established.

Mr Davey said running in a team was very beneficial for athletes.

"If you join the group you work a bit harder and if you're having an off day you can chat to people," he said. "Ladies will also have the security of being able to run outside during the winter."

Mr Davey hopes members will make the most of the surrounding countryside later in the year.

"During the winter we'll stick to the roads but in the spring we'll maybe meet at the Wyche and run along the hills," he said.

The group is free to join. Contact Mr Davey on 01684 899333.