MRS Unite from Blackwell Court, near Bromsgrove had again this year made her usual generous gesture by arranging for meat and coal to be delivered to poor and needy families in the district.

THE annual sale of newspapers and periodicals accumulated during the year at the Bromsgrove Institute and which attracted many buyers, was conducted on the premises by Mr Cotton. Illustrated weeklies made half the published price. Among the national dailies a week's issue of The Times went for 6d (2.5).

AFTER a considerable delay, a plan to widen parts of Worcester Street in Bromsgrove was agreed upon. The county council was to contribute £50 towards the overall cost leaving the town council to pick up the not inconsiderable bill for £170.

JANUARY 22 was the date set for Bromsgrove's premier social event of the year, the Cottage Hospital Ball. The proceeds would help finance a new, larger operating theatre.

THE high cost of conveying mentally ill paupers to the Powick Asylum near Worcester was concerning the thrifty Guardians at Bromsgrove workhouse. Presently the cost was between £2 and £3 but they had discovered someone prepared to do it for as little as a guinea (£1.5p) a time. After the meeting this week they decided to put the task out to tender.

THE relatively mild weather so far in the run up to Christmas was good news for shopkeepers in Bromsgrove and Droitwich. It meant outdoor workers had not been laid off and therefore had more cash to spend. As usual, shops were well stocked with all kinds of festive fare especially butchers and grocers establishments.