I WRITE regarding the death of the dalmatian reported in the Evening News, (December 13) and the call to "try farmers for death of pet".

I have a good idea where the fields in question are located from the information given in your article. I witnessed the application of the slug pellets, and as a former local farmer with a Certificate of Competence in Handling and Application of Pesticides, I can vouch that they were applied with proper equipment, in a correct and safe manner, by an experienced contractor.

Contrary to popular belief, farmers do not apply pesticides "willy-nilly", mainly because, like any businessman, they do not wish to incur unnecessary costs. In this instance, the application was completely justified for the crop and pest in question.

While I know from experience what it feels like to lose a pet dog, and sympathise with those concerned, I would urge others to learn from this that the countryside is not a playground, but a place where farmers ply their trade, which ultimately helps to feed us all.

As you stated, the fields are private property, and as such the dog should not have been allowed to stray into them.

P CARTRIDGE, Battenhall, Worcester.