I NOTE the grant of taxpayers' money totalling £60,000 to employ a "travel co-ordinator."

Is it thought that people working and visiting the hospital are so stupid that they cannot think about travel options for themselves? This is the "nanny state" gone mad.

Our public transport system is in an appalling state. If a nurse, for example, travelling from Kidderminster is on a train that is running 45 minutes late (not at all unheard of) she would then be late for the start of her shift. What happens to the handover between staff?

WRH is an amalgamation of a number of hospitals. It would have been known how many staff would be working there. The number of car parking spaces could easily have been calculated. Obviously they were not.

I read that our MP Mike Foster is "delighted" at this scandalous waste of taxpayers' money. Maybe this is but a "drop in the ocean" when added to the other money wasted by the various NHS Trusts which "serve" South Worcestershire.

That is not the point. The county council and the Labour Government must change their minds. I, for one, will not forget this at the time of the next elections.

