SUE Kirby, our president, welcomed members and visitors from other WI groups to the annual Christmas party afternoon.

Birthday wishes were given out to members. The craft and whist afternoon had a combined Christmas party. The skittles evening was a great success being cheered by a good supporting audience.

A wonderful pianist Eunice Rymes - a very talented lady, playing in the style of her heroine Winifred Attwell - gave the entertainment. Eunice told of people that she has played for, doing lots of concerts for famous people on television. Mrs Rymes was awarded The Roy Castle Cup in 1992. After a very festive buffet tea, organised by Barbara Barton and helpers, Eunice gave a superb accompaniment for community singing and carols - ending with an audience participation of Auld Lang Syne. The afternoon closed with Sue wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.