YOU couldn't make it up - another of Mr Spiteri's euro-sales pitches (You Say, December 16) opposite another timely reminder from John Phillpott of the million pounds plus which the UK pays every hour into the EU.

Half that money, incidentally, accounts for those much-vaunted "European grants" they graciously hand back. Yes, that's right folks, it's your own money regurgitated by Brussels and, in the "Alice on Wonderland" world of EU politics, we're supposed to be grateful!

But there are at least a quarter of a million more reasons why Gary Webb is absolutely right to say the EU needs us far more than t'other way round. That's the number of European jobs depending on trade with the UK that have no counterpart in this country.

The reasons why the UK must steer clear of the euro have sweet Football Association to do with the "bobs" and "tanners" Mr Spiteri desperately dredged up in his letter.

Those reasons centre on the absurdity of stuffing a clutch of differing economies into a single economic and political straitjacket.

The euro - yesterday's answer to the problems of today.

