MEMBERS were welcomed by our president Margaret Wainwright and several members of the Insight Club.

We were then entertained by Mr Mike and Mrs Pat Ledbury; he played the melodeon and his wife the drum. They sang songs of Christmas during Victorian times. Many fascinating anecdotes were told. We are indebted to Prince Albert who brought the decorated Christmas tree to this country as well as the Christmas card. Previously only New Year cards were exchanged. Toys were often handed down, and the older members of the family did their party piece, having a most enjoyable time without the cost of today!

Mince pies were handed round with a cup of tea and there were many that benefited from a raffle prize.

Margaret wished us all festive good wishes and said we would meet again on Wednesday, January 8.

Visitors are always welcome to our meetings, normally on the first Wednesday of the month at the Community Hall at 2pm.