BROMSGROVE could go Dutch in the way it collects and recycles its household waste in future.

The Advertiser/Messenger can exclusively reveal that Bromsgrove District Council's six-member cabinet plus appropriate council officers are to undertake a fact finding mission to Holland.

Early in the New Year they will see for themselves how well Dutch "green" schemes work.

The trip follows the recent announcement, featured on our front page on Wednesday, December 11, that the district council has won a £2.3m government grant to launch a scheme to collect both green waste and dry recyclable rubbish from households in the district.

Councillors have already visited Daventry to see its scheme in action.

Last Wednesday before a meeting of the full council Councillor Dr Margaret Oliver (Con-Hagley) cabinet member responsible for environment issues, paid a glowing tribute to council officer David Williams and his team. Keith James, who had put the successful bid together, received special praise.