THE town's MP has branded the Government's new hunting bill a back door attempt to ban the blood sport.

Tory MP Peter Luff had intended to vote in favour of the proposed regulatory system to control hunting with dogs.

But when he heard arguments for and against the policy, he decided not to give his vote.

Mr Luff is joint chairman of the Middle Way Group which wants hunting to be licensed.

Although the new Government legislation pursues a similar idea - Mr Luff thinks Labour MPs will amend the bill at a later stage to completely ban the countryside pursuit.

In a letter to the Government, he wrote: "The sorry conclusion I have reached is that, although the bill does some sensible things, its effect is just too draconian.

"Worse, it is seen by MPs as an attempt to ban hunting, or as a vehicle to do so."

The married father of two says the Middle Way group supports animal welfare and human freedom. "It's only acceptable to restrict human freedom if there are compelling reasons to do so," he told the Advertiser.

"Banning hunting, because it would lead to more foxes dying more painful deaths, is both bad for animal welfare and, of course, for human freedom."

Worcestershire County Council's Labour leader and cabinet member, Councillor Peter Pinfield (Droit Town), told the Advertiser: "There is a free vote on this bill and it is a subject which people have very strong opinions about.

"Labour feel this issue needs to be addressed once and for all and I believe the proposals allow people from both sides of the argument to compromise."