100 years ago

I have on frequent occasions observed birds in church, and occasionally a dog has been known to follow someone it knew into a sacred edifice. It rarely, however, happens that one finds a goat among church worshippers. On Sunday last one entered the priory but he did not prolong his stay. After quietly surveying the ancient building and the members of the congregation, the stranger made its way again to the churchyard. Malvern Gazette, December 26, 1902.

Ledbury church has never looked better at Christmastide. Many friends sent holly, well-berried, mistletoe, box, yew, ivy and other Yuletide greenery; and the numerous army of willing helpers undertook the task of beautifying the spacious edifice. Christmas at Ledbury has come and gone. On Christmas morning there was just a suspicion that "Jack Frost" had paid a brief visit. Ledbury Free Press, December 30, 1902.

50 years ago

Three trees brought down in the heavy gales blocked roads in the Colwall district. All traffic was held up for about an hour on the Colwall-Chances Pitch road, on the village side of Barton Court, when a large elm tree came down. On the Colwall-Coddington road, near Moorcroft, another large elm fell across the road, being suspended on high banks on each side. The main road from Colwall to The Wyche was also blocked for about ten minutes when a light spruce fell across from Ballard's nursery gardens. Malvern Gazette, December 26, 1902.

The annual carol service at Ledbury Methodist Church was notable for the large congregation and the visit of the St Cecilia Singers of Gloucester. The carols, sung unaccompanied in fine style by the Singers, were greatly appreciated. The Ledbury Reporter, December 26, 1952.

25 years ago

Hundreds of pounds of damage was caused when vandals entered the West Midlands Gas Board depot at Moorlands Road on Friday night. Windscreens on seven service vans and a private car were smashed, and damage was caused to the interior of a building, which was entered. The depot supervisor said it was lucky that one of his staff returned to the depot shortly afterwards, because gas taps has been turned on and there could have been a major explosion if the gas had continued to build up over the weekend. Malvern Gazette, December 29, 1977.

The Catholic Church of the Most Holy Trinity, Ledbury, was decorated with holly and fine floral arrangements for the Christmas services. A representation of the stable at Bethlehem had been erected near the high altar, and close beside it was a 16ft Christmas tree. The Ledbury Reporter, December 29, 1977.