WORCESTERSHIRE residents are being warned to be prepared for floods on low-lying land after heavy rain over the Christmas period.

The Environment Agency issued flood warnings for the River Severn in Worcester early today.

At 9.30am the level at Diglis was 3.3m and it was expected to rise gently throughout the day.

"A peak level of between 3.4m and 3.9m is expected to occur tomorrow evening," said an Environment Agency spokesman.

"There are usually no roads affected by this level of river flooding.

"The worst of the rain has passed over but flood warnings are still in force."

But around Upton-upon-Severn low-lying roads could be hit by flooding. The water level at the Saxon Lode gauge was 4.09m at 9.30am today and was also expected to rise gently throughout the day.

Flood warnings for the River Severn between Upper Arley and Bevere, Worcester and Tewkesbury and the River Avon between Evesham and Tewkesbury were issued last night.

Low-lying farmland and caravan parks in these areas are at most risk of being flooded.

"If you don't flood yourself but your neighbours do, then knock on their door and offer to help," said Mary Dhonau, chairman of Worcester Action Against Flooding.

"It can be a very stressful time and it has got to be a community effort. Everyone's got to band together."

An Environment Agency spokesman said the levels of rain were unlikely to cause towns or villages to be flooded.

"However, catchments across the country are now waterlogged and we need to keep an eye on the situation over the next few days," he said.

"Do not enter flood water as it may be dangerous to both you and others who may become involved as a result."