A HOST of exciting conservation and outdoor activities are in the pipeline with the re-vamp of the Young Rangers Club.

The club, run by Wyre Forest District Council in partnership with the Shuttle/Timesand News, is being re-launched next month.

Planned events include a fungal foray, bat night and a deer explorer in which intrepid young folk will undertake a trek through jungle-like woodland to a secret location where the animals can be found.

A new co-ordinator has been appointed for the club.

Esther Evans, of Stourport, is a former young ranger who went on to become a helper for 14 to 18 year olds.

The club's outdoor activities will be run twice a month on Sunday mornings.

Members receive regular newsletters and are entered into an achievement-based rewards scheme to win all sorts of young rangers goodies.

For details and an application form to join the club call 01562 732971.