I REGRET that I did not achieve an oral question to the Health Secretary last week and I was not called to speak at an adjournment debate on flood defences.

One result of this debate was a proposal to form an all-party group of MPs on flooding and this could be very useful to the planned National Flood Forum.

The difficulty experienced by flood victims in obtaining flood insurance without prohibitive excesses was exposed.

My question to the Prime Minister on free healthcare for the elderly was brushed aside with the explanation that resources were being spent on other things that would benefit more people.

Observers told me it did cause him at least a jolt.

I was also able to speak during the second reading of the NHS Reform bill and made the point that at a time of severe crisis in the NHS, wide-ranging structural changes are likely to cause further problems.

Money to be spent on reforms would be far better spent now on improving services.

Some reforms are necessary in the long term but they should be introduced more carefully.

The health committee had a very useful meeting where supporters of the Private Finance Initiative scheme for building hospitals were faced by opponents.

I look forward to a meeting of this committee with an impartial financial commentator as the two sides of the argument are still contradictory.

At home I have been faced with concerns about changes to Wyre Forest being made by English Nature and I am looking into these to try to find the real reason.

I attended a conference organised by the National Association for Primary Care and enjoyed speaking on the title "Achieving the Impossible".

I had a day off with the family over the weekend and thoroughly enjoyed seeing Harry Potter on screen - heartily recommended but do read the book first.

I was impressed by an antique cider press demonstrated for charity outside The Rising Sun in Bewdley, and I was pleased to go to the RoadPeace service at St Ambrose Church, to remember those who lost their lives in road accidents.

The last formal engagement was a meeting bringing officers and councillors of the Wyre Forest District Council together with representatives of the business community.

I hope similar meetings will take place on a regular basis to facilitate crucial direct contact between these groups.